Flourish First®️, and everything else unfolds.
Where the science of positivity meets business strategy and wellbeing – transforming leadership and teams into flourishing hubs of success.

Holly Wood Pyschologist Workplace Coach

The Impact of positivity in the workplace leads to:


higher staff retention (Gallup)


Increase in sales (Seligman)


Increase in productivity (Greenberg & Arawka)

Optimum workplace performance happens with…

Hustle culture is a thing of the past. Optimum workplace performance happens with… positive leadership, effective communication and a meaningful understanding and use of your unique strengths.

My Flourish First®️ workplace coaching, workshops and programmes are under-pinned by Positive Psychology and Individual Psychology, integrating a number of well-researched, science-backed tools, models and psychometric tests (including Myers-Briggs, PERMAH and Clifton Strengths).

I believe that each individual has unique strengths, values and qualities, that when tapped-into and utilised in the right way, can contribute to the success of your team and improved workplace wellbeing. I’m passionate about helping leaders and organisations flourish – and integrating psychology into organisational best practice.

Are you a leader or organisation that wants to make an impact and shift the dynamic of your team or organisation?

Do you want to lead with more positivity, self-awareness and intention?

Are you ready to transform your approach and the success of your team and organisation?

holly wood psychologist workplace wellbeing team strengths workshop

Signature Team Strengths Coaching Workshop

Prices from £3,000

Strengthen team dynamics, enhance communication, and foster meaningful relationships that result in improved performances & success.
Through personalised assessments and tailored exercises, we’ll delve into your team’s unique set of Gallup strengths, empowering individuals to unlock their full potential.
3-hour immersive group workshop.
Pre-assessment and Personalised reports.
holly wood psychologist workplace wellbeing leadership programme

Flourish First Leadership Programme

Prices from £2,500

An exclusive coaching & training opportunity tailored for exceptional leaders seeking to amplify their impact.
A transformative experience for those navigating the dynamic challenges of managing teams.
Whether you’re a seasoned executive or stepping into a leadership role for the first time, our coaching programme provides science-backed tools to confidently inspire, lead authentically & motivate exceptional results.
Creating a culture of flourishing within your team & organisation starts with those leading. This programme provides the framework to lead with positivity & purpose.
4 month group programme (up to 10 people).
holly wood psychologist workplace wellbeing one to one coaching

1:1 Positive Leadership Training & Coaching

3 Months £4,000
or 6 Months £7,000

A unique offering for leaders ready to embody a new leadership style and apply science-backed tools to manage and coach their teams effectively, to success.
Training and coaching through my signature Flourish First®️ Positive Leadership framework, so you benefit from the coaching experience as well as adopt a toolbox to lead, manage and empower your team.
Learn, embody, evaluate and be coached through this powerful shift in leadership.

3 months or 6 months with extended 1:1 coaching available.

Featured In

Other Services

Flourish Away Days | Leadership Retreats

Whether in your home-town or in the heart of Tuscany, I’m an expert at pulling together bespoke retreats, away-days and events, set to restore and re-energise.

Leaders – Enjoy a new sense of connection to yourself, an increased confidence in your abilities and approach, and a higher level of clarity for your future.

Teams – build connection and strengthen team dynamics on a whole new level.

Positive Leadership & Workplace Wellbeing Fractional Services
  • Do you need someone to be a present figure in your workplace, without hiring a full-time employee?
  • Do you want your team to access support without taking on the extra workload yourself?
  • Will you benefit from access to positive leadership tools & coaching for your team on an on-going basis?

I offer a monthly retained service (min contract of 6 months) where I dedicate a certain amount of office hours for you & your team (virtually or in-person).

flourish first tuscan retreat villa

Get in touch for your unique quote.

Who is Positive Leadership Coaching perfect for?

Vibrant workplaces, organisations and agencies (or those aspiring to be!)

Those who value fun, creativity, wellbeing and personal-development as well as impact and results!

CEOs, MDs and Leaders who want to build a positive workplace and confident consistent leadership style, with high employee retention.

Want to learn more?

Holly Wood The Flourish Mentor Positive Psychology Coach, sitting in chair smiling

Watch this instant access video

Want to understand why and how my unique, science-based framework can help you unlock your leadership potential and/or develop your team to a flourishing success?

Just pop your email in to watch this short video for free right now.

My Mission

I believe that happy workplaces are the foundation of productivity, that employee performance, exceptional results & unwavering loyalty spring from a profound sense of belonging & wellbeing in the workplace.

My mission is to empower leading companies & organisations to lead with positivity, creating a transformative ripple effect within & beyond the workplace.

I am dedicated to fostering environments where individuals flourish, teams thrive & success becomes a shared journey.

Flourish First®️ DEIJ Statement

At Flourish First®, we believe that true flourishing comes from a foundation built on Diversity, Equity, Inclusivity, and Justice (DEIJ). We are committed to creating an environment where diverse voices are not only heard but are integral to our community. Our mission is to empower business owners and solopreneurs from all walks of life, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to succeed and grow.

Diversity is the mosaic of people who bring a variety of backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives to our community. We celebrate these differences and see them as a vital ingredient to our collective success.

Equity means striving for fairness in access, opportunities, and advancement for all members of our community. We recogniSe the barriers that have historically disadvantaged some groups, and we dedicate ourselves to actions that break down these obstacles.

Inclusivity is at the heart of Flourish First®️. We foster an atmosphere where everyone feels valued, respected, and supported. We encourage authenticity and understand that personal and professional growth occurs when people feel genuinely included.

Justice involves our proactive stance to advocate for systemic change within the industry. We commit to being agents of change, ensuring equitable treatment and opportunities for all, and standing against all forms of discrimination and bias.

At Flourish First®, we don’t just support diversity, equity, inclusivity, and justice; we embody these principles in every program, project, and partnership we undertake. We are continuously learning, adapting, and growing to build not just a flourishing business but a flourishing society.

Together, we flourish.

Holly Wood Positive Leadership Coaching
Holly Wood Flourish Mentor Formula to Flourish

My Approach

I have a values-led, strengths-based, individual-first approach. My Flourish First®️ framework is grounded in the science of psychology, the power of self-awareness and the importance of effective communication. I value authenticity and integrity and pride myself on building rapport with my clients quickly and meaningfully.

With over 15 years business experience and insight, a Masters in Psychology and Certification in Positive Psychology Coaching, I am passionate about workplace wellbeing to enhance productivity, performance and joy.

You can love your job, enjoy a positive workplace and reach new levels of success. That’s flourishing. Find out more about me.

Let’s Talk

Know that you’re ready to Flourish First®️ with positive leadership and coaching, but not sure which option is right for you or your team? I’d love to chat and share my recommendations.

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