flourish prompt deck
How to enjoy your new cards
This card deck is designed to add a bit of style, substance & fun to your working week.
When you’re feeling a but meh, stuck in a rut or totally lacking mojo, these cards are here to give you that much needed nudge in the right direction.
The tips & strategies on the cards are things I use, as a solopreneur myself & also with my clients, for great habit-building & success.

Here are just a few suggestions of how you can sue your card deck..

Single card pull
Feeling like you need a bit of a kick up the backside?
Well, shuffle the cards, pick one at random & get a dose of whatever it is you need…
…if you know you want some inspo in the marketing department, stick to that pile. If confidence is wavering, check-in with a card from the mindset pile. If you want to review your processes, then the productivity pile is for you!
Just one card, whenever you need. Easy peasy.
One from each…
Really want to get going with your day, but need a nudge in the right direction?
Draw a card from each pile for a marketing task, a productivity tip & the right mindset to make it happen!
You’ll finish the day having made proactive steps in the right direction, with a real awareness of where your head is at too!

5 card strategy pull..
Want to bring a sense of direction to your week?
Then the 5-card strategy pull is for you! Pull 3 cards from the marketing pile, 1 from the mindset & 1 from the productivity pile.
This combo will form your strategy for the week… time-block the actions in your diary now & keep your mindset card to hand for reference throughout the week (if things get a bit shakey). Implement & action the productivity card as you go.
By Friday, you’ll be reflecting on how you’ve nailed it!

3 things…
Raring to go with a full day ahead to get down & just do it?
Then draw 3 cards from the marketing pile, to give you 3 solid actions for the day. But that’s the thing… you’ve got to action them!
Imagine how you’ll feel when you finish your day having successfully completed 3 tasks that’ll help build your brand & grow your biz!
Head down, go go go!