“Flourish First®️,
and everything else unfolds”.
My Mission
I want to help you truly flourish & reach YOUR vision of success – whatever that may look like. Whether it’s introducing positivity into your everyday life, developing your unique positive leadership style or growing your business to the next level – I can help, guide & support you with depth, understanding & strategy.
I’m here to bring the power of positive psychology to thousands of people, who want to be better, do better and have more, without compromising your wellbeing, integrity or authenticity.
I believe you can have it all, you just need the strategy to enable & support it.
And that’s where I step in.

My Values
& Fun!
My Approach
I have a values-led, strengths-based, individual-first approach to the way I work… & I like to have fun!
I’m both strategic & creative & I do not believe in a one-size-fits-all strategy to success & wellbeing. Instead, I work hard to understand you, what makes you tick & how best to support you in reaching your goals.
This means I create unique strategies, based on proven frameworks & results that are designed with you, to work for you.
My Flourish First®️ frameworks, formulas & models are grounded in the science of psychology, the power of self-awareness & the importance of effective communication.
My experience in both the corporate world & entrepreneurship, alongside the world of being a parent, means I have a varied understanding of the day-to-day challenges that impact your confidence, motivation & success when it comes to achieving your goals.
We don’t all have the same amount of hours in the day & we don’t all start from the same place.
I seek to understand your unique circumstances & help you carve a plan that will enable you to truly flourish.

My Design
I’m an ENFJ, my human design is a 6-2 Generator & my top 5 Gallup Strengths are: Communication, Achiever, Maximiser, Futuristic & Learner.
This means I flourish with human connection, am a great listener, empathiser & motivator of people & can effectively guide, coach & support you to reaching your unique goals.
On a personal note – I seek facts before I make a decision, however I’m open to (almost) anything & love to sprinkle a bit of woo-woo on whatever I do.
Featured In

The Power of Positive Psychology in Your Success
“Embracing the transformative power of Positive Psychology has been the key to unlocking my highest potential, allowing me to turn every challenge into a stepping stone & flourish beyond my wildest dreams.”
My Story
I didn’t always flourish in life, work & business.
I’ve suffered from low self-esteem, experienced corporate bullying & lost my self-confidence & had to rediscover my identity after having kids.
But through the work I teach & the tools I coach with, I’m now living my best life & truly flourishing.
I get to travel, spend more time with my family & havem more ease, flow & joy in my everyday. There’s still lots I want to achieve & more success out there for me, but I know that if I’m flourishing first, the rest will unfold.
Where it all began
After uni, I had a series of jobs that helped me discover what I wanted to be doing in my career. Although largely a positive experience, I did suffer from corporate bullying which had a massive impact on my self-confidence & worthiness. It took me a long time to build myself back up & when I was eventually made redundant whilst on maternity leave, I took it as an opportunity to finally step into ME! So I started my own business, built my first community & began to host my own events & even large-scale awards ceremonies.
The Evolution
I was part of the blogger-content creator-influencer boom & my first business, WeBlogNorth & The Northern Blog Awards taught me a lot about digital marketing, building a personal brand, growing a community and business.
I began to support other individuals (& mums) in building a business online that would allow them more freedom, flexiblity & choice in their lives. This is where my journey into Coaching & Mentorship began.
I realised that a lot of what was holding these incredible women back, was not actually marketing strategy, but their mindset! Their lack of self-worth, fear of judgement & not having the confidence to show up in their authenticity.
That’s when I realised I could support my clients on a much deeper level & decided to study a Masters in Psychology & become a certified Positive Psychology Coach.
Where It's Going
I now support people to rediscover their confidence & true identity, reach their true potential & live their best lives through a powerful combination of psychology & transformational coaching.
I work with successful women, business owners & those in leadership positions across the world, host luxury Tuscan retreats & have even developed my own Coaching Academy & Flourish First®️ App.
I am re-launching my podcast, writing a book & aim to speak on stage to bring the power of Flourish First®️ to thousands of people across the globe.
Watch this space!

My Why / My Vision of Success
This bunch are my why & are central to me flourishing.
When I started a family, I made a decision to be the best mum I could be, whilst still being me.
I want to not only build an incredible life, full of adventure & experiences for myself, but for my husband & kids too. And I want to build a legacy of not only wealth, but values & impact, that my kids will pass on in their own unique ways.
Travel is a huge source of joy & education for me and I love that I’ve created a life where I can pretty much work from anywhere, take 12 weeks off a year to have my kids during school holidays & build my own wealth, without compromising my wellbeing & flexibility of time.
That’s my personal vision of success & that’s why I feel like I am truly flourishing.