Attending a business retreat for entrepreneurs can be an invaluable experience… Not only do these business retreats provide an opportunity to network and build relationships with other entrepreneurs and founders, but they also give you the chance to step back from your day-to-day operations, be the CEO you’re meant to be and gain valuable insights into how you can better manage your business.
If you’d asked me 2 years ago if I’d be attending a business retreat for entrepreneurs in LA (for the second time round), I would have laughed. How could me and my little business be worthy of such an experience?! Back then I had such limiting beliefs about investing in myself, my business and my future. But thankfully, that has changed!
I’m back from attending a business retreat for entrepreneurs in Los Angeles!
I’m just back from an incredible, expansive week in LA & I’m still downloading everything I learned on this incredible business retreat! I’ve got a book full of notes, that I’ll be expanding on over the coming days and weeks and taking what I learnt and applying it to make my own Tuscan Business Retreats even better!
I’ll definitely be writing more about why attending a business retreat for entrepreneurs is so key for your business growth and personal development, but first, I took well over 1000 photos on my LA trip and thought, in my old-skool blogger style, that I’d share my top 10 with you here!… (You’re welcome!).
Number 1 – Rooftop Pool Vibes
This was taken on the last day, in the rooftop pool of our hotel, SIXTY. I feel it sums up the week perfectly – look how happy my face is! And the LA sunshine came out for us and it’s not LA if you’re not enjoying a rosé wine right?!

Number 2 – LA Palms
After a few stormy days, I was so happy when the sun came out! And these palms in Beverly Hills made me feel all the LA vibes!

Number 3 – My Success Sister
I could not and would not have enjoyed my trip as much, without this gal! Rach aka @rachhowourth is my success sister in every way! We mapped out funnels on the plane together, walked for 2 hours across LA (yes, we’re mad!), shared bowls of brussel sprouts and this is us after we enjoyed our bottle of Bon-Jovi’s rosé wine (there’s a theme here!).

Number 4 – The Juice Run
Nothing says LA quite like a morning juice run! And we were just moments from the fabulous brekkie joint Urth Caffé, where we spent many-a-morning enjoying their fresh food and epic juices! Here’s me hot-footing it back to the hotel, in time to leave for Day 1 of the retreat..

Number 5 – Peace
Not much to say other than this silhouette peace photo is becoming a signature shot for me (do you remember the one from my Tuscan Retreat?)

Number 6 – Time for Grub
You know I’m a foodie, so a huge part of the LA experience for me, was revolved around what I was eating! The Californians do breakfast well! I’m usually happy to skip this meal, but not in LA! Instead, we lined our stomachs for the day with an epic brekkie… eggs, bacon, waffles and hash-browns at Mel’s Drive-in Diner on Sunset Blvd.

Number 7 – Graffiti Art
Naturally, every day was a mini branding-shoot opportunity, So we were on the hunt for great locations and back-drops… I spotted this wall of art and fell in love!

Number 8 – Malibu Beach Happy
I like LA… and I LOVE the beaches! We didn’t venture to the coast last year, so it was an essential this time round and the 2nd half of our retreat, was in Malibu. So the morning was spent, with my feet in the sand, being silly on the beach! I always feel so calm and positive by the sea.

Number 9 – Dinner with Jennifer Aniston in Catch
Ok, well it wasn’t exactly with her, but she was in our restaurant at the same time! Catch in West Hollywood was one of the best meals I had on the trip (and I had A LOT!). Plus it’s one of the coolest places to be seen… here’s me getting papped at the rooftop entrance!

Number 10 – An Ode to a Mentor
I have to say, hand-on-heart, I don’t think my business would be where it is today if it wasn’t for the support, guidance and love of my mentor Niyc. I can’t tell you enough, how important it is to find a mentor and coach (in almost all aspects of your life… not just business!). She makes me a better mentor and coach for my clients too. And this pic about sums it up!
So I started this post of talking about attending business retreats for entrepreneurs and ended-up sharing my top 10 LA pics (with plenty of tourist suggestions too).
Well that’s the beauty of business retreats… they work on so many levels!
If you’re considering joining a business retreat this year – to focus on your as a CEO, your business growth strategy, marketing funnels and Positive Psychology based wellbeing – then be sure to check out my Retreats page or DM me the word ‘Retreat’ on instagram and I’ll pick up with you there.